Indonesia | Sumatra Putra Gayo



For the first time in our coffee journey we’re introducing an Indonesian coffee to our selection. After cupping many coffees from this interesting origin, this specific washed coffee from producing region of Aceh, Sumatra really grabbed our attention. 

The region Aceh is diverse, geographically speaking. It is surrounded by beaches with a swampy inland, and the Barisan Mountains make up the inner two-thirds of the area. Coffee is grown on this volcanic mountain amongst the rainforest. One of the notable features of this area is Lake Taboa, the largest volcanic lake in the world.

Iwannitosa Putra is the owner of Putra Gayo, a mill and a farm. Their farm covers 250 hectares of land with around 275,000 coffee trees. Amongst the coffee, many shade trees are grown like Lamtoro, Banana, Orange, Avocado, and Jackfruit trees. Iwannitosa specializes in both washed and natural coffees, as opposed to the common Sumatra wet-hulled.

Due to the humid climate and cloud cover commonly found over the island of Sumatra, Washed coffees are rarely produced. In this case, coffee was delivered to a mill in their cherry form, where they were depulped and fermented in open-air tanks for up to 36 hours before being washed clean. Drying takes place on raised beds, in parabolic or solar dryers, or on tarpaulins.

Although this offering is not traceable to specific varieties, it is likely comprised of the most common varieties grown in Sumatra, which are Catimor, and Timor hybrids.

Producer: Iwannitosa Putra

Region: Aceh, Sumatra

 Altitude: 1400-1650m

Variety: catimor and timor

Process: washed

Taste Notes: hazelnut, chocolate milk, date

WEIGHT: 250g

Please note that 250g bags can be shipped in kava boxes as an additional option. All grind sizes are approximate and in relation to the equipment we use. Grind size or setting might differ from your equipment preferences. If not certain order beans as we can't accept returns for pre-ground coffees. Thank you for understanding. 


We've made our packaging extra nice for you to re-use or recycle. 


Swift, flexible and reliable. We ship coffees from our warehouse twice a week.

Delivery times

EU up to 5 working days for most countries. Croatia within 24hrs after shipping.